好萊塢知名女影星安潔莉娜裘莉(Angelina Jolie)於13日自行投書至美國《紐約時報》,說明自己明白家族有基因缺陷,她有8成以上的機率會罹患乳癌或卵巢癌,為了家庭兒女,她決定先行接受切除雙乳房手術,未雨綢繆,提早一步為自己的健康行動。
ile photo dated 26/02/12 of Angelina Jolie arriving for the 84th Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre, Los Angeles. Jolie has had a preventive double mastectomy and has paid tribute to her "loving and...
較多 乳癌高風險群 預防勝於治療安潔莉娜在文章中表示,她自知她身體中帶有一種「缺陷基因BRCA1」,會大幅提高她罹患乳癌及卵巢癌的風險,醫生曾推測她罹患乳癌風險高達87%、卵巢癌風險50%,雖然高低會因人而異,但是她知道預防勝於治療的道理,自今年2月起,她開始進行一系列檢測與診療,並在4月27日進行預防性雙乳切除術,整個過程長達9個多星期,且切除後也進行了乳房重建,外形依然可以保持美麗。
鼓勵女性關心健康 勇敢形象深植人心
此外,安潔莉娜裘莉也在文中提及她摯愛的先生布萊德彼特(Brad Pitt),在手術過程中全程陪伴著她,並對於她的決定全然支持。而安潔莉娜裘莉此舉也讓許多影迷網友們大為讚賞,過去她也積極投入慈善事業,曾捐出100萬美元給聯合國難民署,也曾擔任親善大使出訪貧困地區難民營,為善不遺餘力。
【FOCUS新聞】震驚國際!安潔莉娜裘莉 切除雙乳
TVBS – 2013年5月14日 下午9:03現年37歲的美國好萊塢女星安潔莉娜裘莉,14日投書《紐約時報》,公開了一項讓人震驚的醫療抉擇,裘莉說為了降低罹患乳癌和卵巢癌的風險,她進行了割除雙乳的預防手術,裘莉表示,她的母親在56歲那年因癌症去世,從此她對癌症救特別注意,裘莉特別在文中說「現在她可以放心地告訴她的孩子,她不會因為乳癌而離開人世」,裘莉是在被診斷出因為基因缺陷,有87%機率罹患乳癌、50%機率罹患卵巢癌,決定開刀,在4月份完成療程,近年來擔任聯合國慈善大使的裘莉,表示自己做了這樣的抉擇,希望能起帶頭作用,讓有相關罹癌風險的女性,提早尋求醫療幫助,勇敢面對癌症。
Angelina Jolie made the brave decision to undergo a preventive double mastectomy after learning she carried the BRCA1 gene that made it extremely likely (an 87% chance) that she would get breast cancer or (a 50% chance) ovarian cancer.
Jolie, 37, was very close with her mother Marcheline Bertrand, who passed away at the age of 56 after losing her seven-year battle with ovarian cancer.
"She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms,” Jolie wrote Tuesday in an op-ed for the New York Times: “But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was."
Bertrand lived long enough to meet the eldest three of Jolie and her fiancé Brad Pitt's six children -- Maddox, Zahara, and Shiloh.
Aside from Pitt and the kids they share together, Jolie’s mother was the most important person and influence in her life. Jolie was estranged from her father, actor Jon Voight, for many years after he and Bertrand divorced in 1978. "She raised me," Jolie has said. Bertrand dabbled in acting, but she gave it all up to raise her two children, and it’s clear that Jolie admired her mother’s strength as a single parent.
Bertrand was a very private person, so Jolie would visit her all the time at her apartment in Beverly Hills, California. When speaking publicly, though, Jolie couldn’t help but praise her mother and share what a special connection they had.
Angelina Jolie with her mother (KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/AP Photo)
"I will never be as good a mother as she was," Jolie told CBS News of her mother in 2011. “I will try my best, but I don’t think I could ever be. She was grace incarnate, the most generous, loving -- she’s better than me."
Jolie remained close with her mom until the very end. So, it’s no surprise that after watching Bertrand’s health struggles first hand, Jolie would take action to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself.
"There is no longevity on my mother's side of the family," Jolie told Esquire in 2010. "My grandmother also died young, so my mother always thought it could happen to her. But she lived to see her grandchildren, lived to see both me and my brother in a nice place. She was a real mother that way. She waited till everyone was okay. Then she closed her eyes."
She closed her eyes in January 2007, and Jolie, Pitt, and her brother James Haven, were all by Bertrand’s side when she passed. "There are no words to express what an amazing woman and mother she was," Jolie and Haven told People in a statement. "She was our best friend.”
Jolie was heartbroken after her mother died. However, she continued living a life her mother would be extremely proud of. Jolie now has six children and is planning a wedding in the future with Pitt.
"I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer," Jolie writes in the New York Times.
Words her mother would most certainly be proud of.
Check out this slideshow to see how celebs reacted to Angelina Jolie's brave decision to have a double mastectomy: