這幾工咧睏攏有小可地動。花蓮蘇花公路有落石,石頭撞到駛過的車, 實在有驚無險。 無想著昨暝(2/06/2018)11:50佇花蓮誠寒閣地動,這的大地動規模真大有 6.4 級, 花蓮的大樓倒規仔棟。向望搜救人員會當救出較濟生還的人.
透早日本的朋友著來關心台灣的地動,日本的朋友拄過 311 的大地動佮海漲(海嘯)知影大地動的可怕。 日本的朋友攏的記牢牢 311 台灣人對日本的幫贊, 這擺欲甲咱台灣加油。 がんばってください!天佑花蓮! 天佑台灣!
花蓮6.0強震 日人不忘311賑災:這次換我們報恩 2/07/2018
花蓮近海昨( 6 )日晚間 11 時 50 分發生芮氏規模 6.0、最大震度 7 級強震,造成多棟大樓建築倒塌、橋墩路面出現裂痕,目前已知 2 死百餘人傷,各方皆全力搶救中。強震消息曝光後隨即引起眾多日本網友關注,有感於先前 311 地震台灣募款募資賑災,日本網友及藝人也紛紛留言替花蓮打氣,呼籲日本政府對台灣伸出援手「這次換我們來報恩!」
2011 年 3 月 11 日東日本大地震引發核災、海嘯,傷亡慘重,昨日晚間日本茨城縣也剛發生規模 3.7 地震,讓許多日本網友對此次花蓮強震感同身受、相當關心台灣災情。包含「#台湾加油」、「 #台湾地震 」、「#台湾の地震」、「#台湾大丈夫 」等關鍵字都火速登上日本推特網絡。
Taiwan earthquake: Deaths confirmed amid rescue effort 2/07/2018
A strong earthquake in Taiwan has killed at least two people and injured more than 200 others, officials say.
The powerful 6.4-magnitude tremor struck at 23:50 (15:50 GMT) about 20km (12 miles) off the island's east coast.
Emergency responders have rescued about 150 people from hotels and residential buildings that have partially collapsed in the city of Hualien.
Photographs show tilting structures, scattered debris and extensive damage to roads in the area.
Among the several badly damaged buildings was a hospital, local media reports.
The lower basement and ground floor of the 10-storey Marshal Hotel gave way after the quake.

One member of staff has been rescued, but another two are said to be still be trapped in the building.
"We know there are people who are trapped inside - we can see lights inside the hotel," eyewitness Zeena Starbuck told the BBC.
"People with phones are shining their lights to let people know they're there."
At least two others are known to be trapped in residential properties, officials say.

About 40,000 homes are without water, and highways and bridges have been are closed.
Residents have been told to stay away from their damaged homes, and about 800 have taken shelter in community buildings.
Offices and school in the city will remain closed on Wednesday.
The army has been called in to help with emergency rescues.
Hualien has about 100,000 residents and is a popular tourist destination.

People reported feeling the quake in the island's capital, Taipei, more than 160km (100 miles) away.
Rescue efforts have been complicated by powerful aftershocks. Dozens of smaller tremors have been felt throughout the island over several days.
Taiwan sits near a junction of two tectonic plates and is regularly hit by earthquakes.
The earthquake happened on the second anniversary of a 6.4-magnitude tremor that killed 117 people.
Taiwan is an island which has for all practical purposes been independent since 1950, but which China regards as a rebel region that must be reunited with the mainland.