Posted by Katy Leonard in Nutrition

7 Most Unhealthy Processed Foods You Need To Avoid

Processed foods have the advantage of saving time and this makes them tempting to people who have a busy lifestyle and for those who don’t particularly like to cook. Most processed foods also come with a low price tag that is hard for many consumers to resist. However, at some point we really need to look at the hidden costs that processed foods have on our health.

It is no secret by now that the vast majority of processed foods are not healthy. In general, they are very low in nutrients, especially micronutrients like antioxidants and vitamins, while simultaneously being high on calories. They also contain industrially engineered ingredients that can be very harmful to the human body.

Eliminating all processed foods from your diet may be quite difficult. However, you can significantly improve your healthy by eliminating the worst of the processed foods. Below, you will find a list of the 7 most unhealthy processed foods.

Chicken Nuggets – Like hot dogs, chicken nuggets are at the pinnacle of industrialized foods. While you may think that chicken nuggets are mostly protein, the typical chicken nugget, including the famous chicken McNuggets, are more than 50 percent fat and they contain more carbs than protein. Keep in mind too, that the carb portion is made of very unhealthy carbs found in the fillers and breading.

Most chicken nuggets are deep fried, often in an oil containing trans fat. Trans fat causes cell membrane deformities that contribute to the development of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Most chicken nuggets also contain many unhealthy additives such as MSG and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ).


Soda Pop – There is nothing nutritional about sodas; they are empty calories. Moreover, they contain substances that can hurt you. As if sugar wasn’t bad enough, almost all sodas today use high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a sweetener and this is even worse than sugar. HFCS has been shown to be damaging to the liver as well as causing blood glucose spikes even worse than normal table sugar would. Soda pop is a primary contributor to the obesity problem in the United States.

Soda pop is also one of the most powerful acid producing substances we can put into our bodies. As such, they cause our naturally alkaline body pH to become acidic. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment and can’t survive in an alkaline environment. An acidic body is also much more susceptible to viral and bacterial attacks since it weakens the natural defenses of the body’s immune system.

Hotdogs & Other Processed Meats – Hot dogs have been a staple of the American diet for decades. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council reports that Americans eat about twenty billion hot dogs a year. They also report that ninety-five percent of all American homes serve hot dogs. Of course, lunch meats like bologna also have similar ingredients.

The vast majority of hot dogs and other highly processed meats on the market contain loads of salt, MSG, sodium nitrate and other preservatives, artificial flavors, cheap unhealthy fillers, and mechanically separated meat and poultry. Most people don’t realize that mechanically separated meat has been so highly processed under extreme heat and pressure that whatever nutritional value it had to begin with is lost in the processing. For example, proteins become denatured under these extreme industrial conditions. If you have an absolute craving for a hot dog, look for nitrate free organic hot dogs with no preservations, artificial flavors, or meat byproducts.

Store Bought Cookies, Cake, Muffins, and Crackers – For the purpose of this article, cookies, cake, muffins, and crackers have all been lumped into a single category because the health issues associated with them are similar. Beyond the obvious high levels of sugar and salt, most of these products also contain trans fat. Trans fat is added in part because it is much cheaper than healthy fats and this makes them more profitable. However, trans fat is also added to prolong shelf life and to improve the texture. In fact, there are whole “food science” labs devoted to figuring out how to use trans fats and other industrial foods to achieve the perfect texture in these types of products.

To determine if a product contains trans fat, you should not go by what it states on the front of the label. The USFDA actually allows manufacturers to label their products with “zero trans fat” if each individual serving contains less than 0.05 grams of trans fat. Many manufacturers simply reduced the size of a serving to reach this magic number. So, instead of a serving size being three cookies, they might say it is one cookie so they could put a “zero trans fat” on the label. To know for sure if a product actually contains trans fat, you need to look at the ingredient list and look for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.” If these words appear, then the product contains trans fat.


Many Popular Breakfast Cereals – Do you want to know why so many breakfast cereals are “fortified” with vitamins and minerals? The reason is because otherwise they would be so devoid of nutrition, no one would want to buy them. Fortified means that the vitamins are artificially added during the processing of the food. It’s no better than taking a crunchy vitamin, and in fact, usually a low quality vitamin. For example, these fortified cereals often add a form of vitamin D that is not easily used by the human body.

Most breakfast cereals are also loaded with sugar, or worse, high fructose corn syrup. If they contain corn, as many do, then you can bet it it is genetically modified (GMO) corn because this type of corn is much cheaper and this increases their profit. GMO corn has been shown to cause tumors in rodents in a recent study conducted in Europe. Research studies have been limited in the United States and other countries because Monsanto and other biotech companies threaten scientists with lawsuits if they conduct research with their patented seed. However, there have been many anecdotal cases showing cattle and other farm animals getting sick and/or dying from eating GMO corn.

Granola Bars – While you may be surprised to see granola bars on a list of the 7 most unhealthy processed foods, this is actually one of the reasons they are listed here. The marketing of granola bars are exceptionally deceptive. They are usually marketed as an exceptionally healthy food when in fact they are just the opposite. This means people tend to eat more of them thinking they are actually eating a super convenient, tasty, healthy food when they really are not. Parents also tend to feel good about giving granola bars to their kids but they really aren’t any healthier than a candy bar.

Regardless of what you see on the front of the packaging or hear in the commercials, almost every brand of granola bar contains high fructose corn syrup. If you don’t believe this fact, try going into any supermarket and finding a box of granola bars that don’t contain this harmful ingredient. You’ll be hard pressed to find one! Even if they say they are made with honey or maple syrup, read the ingredient label. Some will put a tiny bit of honey or maple syrup for flavor but most of the sweetness is still derived from high fructose corn syrup. They are also sometimes loaded with fat, including trans fat, and lots of sodium too!

Pre-Made Condiments and Salad Dressings – Most condiments and salad dressings contain high fructose corn syrup as this is a really cheap way food manufacturers can add bulk to their product and improve the flavor with very little cost. Many also contain trans fats and food additives like MSG. Another factor that makes them so unhealthy is that we tend to not think about what’s in condiments when we apply them to our food. Even a healthy fresh vegetable salad can quickly become an unhealthy meal if an unhealthy dressing is added.

One way to eat healthier is simply to make your own condiments and salad dressiongs where you can control the ingredients. You can usually store salad dressings and homemade ketchup for at least a week in the refrigerator.

In conclusion, one of the healthiest steps you can take to improving your health is eliminating, or at least significantly reducing, the processed foods you eat. It is also important for you to carefully read the ingredient label when shopping and not just depend on what it says on the front of the package.

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女人投資自己 經濟獨立 作一個有自信又有魅力的女人 永遠不要放棄自己的夢想!








盡可能把自己打扮得:乾淨、精緻、時尚、令人愉悅。女人可以不漂亮,但絕不能沒有氣質。 如果對於自己形象懈怠了、放鬆了、邋遢了,那麼魅力也就減弱了。如果你連自己都不愛自己,那誰還會來愛你! ^_^


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Jolie aunt dies of breast cancer days after op-ed

Associated Press – 21 hours ago

ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) — Less than two weeks after Angelina Jolie revealed she'd had a double mastectomy to avoid breast cancer, her aunt died from the disease Sunday.

Debbie Martin died at age 61 at a hospital in Escondido, Calif., near San Diego, her husband, Ron Martin, told The Associated Press.

Debbie Martin was the younger sister of Jolie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, whose own death from ovarian cancer in 2007 inspired the surgery that Jolie described in a May 14 op-ed in the New York Times.

According to her husband, Debbie Martin had the same defective BRCA1 gene that Jolie does, but didn't know it until after her 2004 cancer diagnosis.

"Had we known, we certainly would have done exactly what Angelina did," Ron Martin said in a phone interview.

Debbie Martin's death was first reported by E! News.

Ron Martin said after getting breast cancer, Debbie Martin had her ovaries removed preventively because she was also at very high genetic risk for ovarian cancer, which has killed several women in her family.

The 37-year-old Jolie said in her op-ed that her doctors estimated that she had a 50 percent risk of getting ovarian cancer but an 87 percent risk of breast cancer.

She had her breasts removed first, reducing her likelihood to a mere 5 percent.

She described the three-step surgical process in detail in the op-ed "because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience."

The story, a surprise to most save those closest to Jolie, spurred a broad discussion of genetic testing and pre-emptive surgery.

A message left with representatives seeking comment from Jolie was not immediately returned.

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The name of the village is Baktawng village, in the Indian state of Mizoram - 很接近尼泊爾 / 不丹, 十分貧窮, 說不定老婆都是買回來的, 跟他結婚算是一份生兒育女的工作 (career), 只為有吃有住有穿,

印度男子和他39 個妻子


乍看,你會不會想到是某一所小學的合影的呢?前面是校長,後面是老師和同學們?這樣想你就錯了,因爲這是印度一個家庭的 合影,據說可能是全世界最大的家庭啦!

家長是67歲的印度男子錫安納(Ziona Chana),他擁有39名妻子、94名子女、14名媳婦和33名孫子女,最厲害的是,這181人口全部住在一起,上圖就是他們的全家福。照片上是不是真 的有181口人?如果大家感興趣的話,可以數一下,不要眼花哦。

錫安納是世襲的查那(Chana)教派教主,該教允許一夫多妻制,他也相信有一天這個教派可以發揚到全球。錫安納說,他 的父親共有7個老婆,他自己第一次娶老婆則是在17歲,也曾在1年內和10個女人結婚,去年又娶了1個,「照顧她們是很 艱巨的任務」。


他們的房屋位於印度米佐拉姆邦(Mizoram)的巴克道恩村(Baktawng),室內共有100多個房間,除了錫安 納有自己的房間,其它人都得和他人同宿(包括妻子);這一家人自給自足,房子裏還有自己的學校、遊樂場、畜牧場和菜園, 就像個小型小區。


錫安納最大的老婆已經69歲,也是家中總管,負責掌管一家的夥食──這個超級大家庭每餐即可吃掉30只雞、60公斤馬鈴 薯、100公斤的米,就連煮飯的火也得燃燒一整天。不過,這麽辛苦打點家中事務的妻子,卻似乎較不得寵。


錫安納總是把年輕妻子的寢室,安排在與自己同一樓層,且離他房間很近;較年長的妻子,則都被安排睡在一樓。平時,他的妻 子們都是等他「召喚」,才可與老公同床共眠,有點像中國古代的皇帝。另外,年紀一把、妻妾成群的錫安納似乎還不滿足。他 說,爲了發揚教派,他想再到美國娶老婆。大哥,你忒厲害了!




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珍珠奶茶 + 大腸癌面面觀

專家指出:每天一杯500cc珍珠奶茶中反式脂肪酸含量已超出正常人體承受極限,飲用者易患心血管疾病。奶精使奶茶變得香濃,源自於奶精中一種名為植脂末的化學物質。 這種物質中含有砷(砒霜)、鉛、銅等有害物質,長期攝入,可增加患冠心病、腫瘤、哮喘等疾病的機率,幼兒更會變得智力低下。

吃「珍珠」等於吃塑膠!珍珠奶茶正因為這些黑色的小顆粒而得名,我們一般叫它為珍珠粉圓,公開的主材料是木薯澱粉。然而,單純的木薯澱粉並不能讓珍珠彈性十足,如今比較通用做法是在其中加入小麥蛋白。即便如此,有的商家也覺得彈性還不夠,為了讓珍珠更有“嚼頭”,於是再添加人工合成的高分子材料。說白了,高分子材料就是塑膠,這也是行業內心照不宣的秘密。 這樣的成分不可能被人體吸收,吃塑膠是什麼結果?,大家可以想像一下子吧!再想想看, 薄薄一層的塑膠袋, 多麼困難才被大自然所溶蝕分化! 那麼大那麼多的塑膠顆粒,每次有多少數量被吃進腸胃裡..........  
在我們購買的食品中請仔細觀看成份標示是否有反式脂肪酸的成份?    若有等同不知不覺中食進了不能代謝的塑膠.

便利商店的熟食、麵包最好不要吃! (一定要看) 

 一個御便當等於二十包泡麵的防腐劑含量,日積月累很可怕的啦!記住!再餓都要忍!最好是回家吃媽媽煮的最棒啦!請大家告訴大家,千萬要相信,也不要再吃便利商店的熟食了! 一個御便當=20個泡麵的防腐劑含量,恐怖!青菜都是泡漂白劑兩次、再用清水清洗一次,然後就拿去炒---么壽~~

 大家好:本人曾在桃園永潤食品(7-11淡水以南,新竹以北之產品都是其供應的)工作。無論是御便當或三角飯團,裡面確實加了二種以上抑制細菌快速增長的化學物質        為了各位身体健康,此類商品請勿多食。畢竟,身体健康才是幸福的本錢。便當界盛名的「媽媽塔」,因受不景氣的影響,加上經營不善,所以虧損連連。   幸好統一集團出資相助,才能營運下去。7-11 的「御便當」,就是「媽媽塔」製作的。根據其內部人員表示,因為「御便當」不是即食便當,需經過烹煮、冷卻、包裝、冷藏、運送、到上架販賣,最後由顧客微波後食用,因此食品保鮮劑( 防腐劑),是一般市售泡麵的含量高出1520也就是說吃一個"御便當",相當於吃了20包泡麵的防腐劑含量。
       我聽之前在賣的同事說,他親自參與,一天後就離職了!他說他們的青菜都是漂白劑兩次、再用清水清洗一次,然後就拿去炒。他看了就離職,也不再吃 7-11的便當了。
         吃早餐盡量找傳統早餐店買現做的, 包便當盡量到自助餐店買,麵包最好到麵包店買;因為那邊的東西都是現炒現做的,新鮮安全又好吃,為了自己的健康不要只貪圖一時的口感,越是好吃的東西一定添加無數的化學劑,只要是化學劑藥就會傷身體。吃東西盡量吃原味及清淡,健康才是無價之寶!

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好一個洞房花燭夜的過程敘述:-- 古人果真有讀過書 !


... 。」
 昨夜春宵一刻 , 小弟以『一技之長』、『一柱擎天 之勢,
一馬當先』,『一拍即合』,『一炮而紅』,『一鼓作氣』, 一氣呵成』,『一鳴驚人』,『一瀉千里』,真是『一夕纏綿』, 一夜風流』是也! 大家轉問大嫂感覺又如何?  只見她好哀怨地唱道:「聽他『一派胡言! 那只是『一場春夢』!

一籌莫展』,待我助他『一臂之力』,其間過程『一波三折』,非『一蹴可及』, 然只見他『一事無成』,   小娘子我就 一手掌握』、『一口咬定』,誰知他『一觸即發』、『一瞬即逝』,『一落千丈』,『一敗塗 』, 一下子就『奄奄一息』,   簡直『一無是處』,如此『多此一舉 』,不如『一刀兩斷』,『一了百了』,唉!真是『一言難盡』呀 ... 。」


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變 心(第2集)  




歇熱了,大學放榜,Tī我去基隆讀大學時,阿仁嘛考牢南部一間tsiânn出名ê國立大學,真無簡單。伊毋nā gâu讀冊,人嘛生著誠緣投,喙水(tshuì-suí)閣好,所以tú入學無偌久,in彼班上媠ê「美女」就予奅(phānn)去。






沓沓熟--來了後,Īn就開始約蹛外口面ê冰果店抑是咖啡廳見面,上捷去ê所在就是佇民生路頂、倚夜市ê「月星冰果店」,kap tī孔子廟邊ê「天使西餐廳」。遐是足濟學生囡仔放學了後,Kap歇睏時上愛去ê所在;m̄-nā是開講niā-niā,也是約會ê好所在。

甜蜜ê日子總是過了較緊,一目𥍉仔Īn兩人高中也出業。tī īn咧鬥陣ê當中,逐家lóng料想in是上四配ê一對。無疑悟,tī īn鬥陣五、六年了後,天公煞來共in兩个創治,一个考牢台北ê大學,一个煞考牢台南ê大學。Tī彼當時,交通無今仔日ê方便,南北二路m̄-nā無高鐵,嘛無高速公路;學生宿舍也無電話,若想講欲見一个仔面,對台北台南,坐上緊ê火車,量其約嘛著ài七點鐘;若坐較慢ê,往往ài超過10幾點鐘,平常時只倚靠批信來維持互相ê數念。M̄-koh,日子一久,批信煞哪寫哪少,「距離」變成in兩人感情ê上大阻礙,Tì-sú兩人沓沓仔來疏遠,終其尾變kah無影無跡……。


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Teddy 已經到澳洲打工近一年 3月申請二簽 但遲遲沒有下來   這次幫 Teddy 催促的過程累積不少的經驗 希望可分享給到澳洲打工想簽二簽的年輕人參考 

如果你已經在線上申請了澳洲打工度假簽證, 並且也遵照申請的指示到醫院做了體檢, 但遲遲沒有收到任何的回應, 你可以到澳洲移民局網站線上查詢申請進度

Teddy 已到移民局指定的醫院做 X-ray 但移民局一直沒收到醫院傳來的資料  Teddy  5/16/2013 到醫院查 發現 4/26/2013 作的 X-ray 醫院有上傳 移民局 且也有簽收  但移民局一直說沒收到資料


Application Status
Application 2nd Working Holiday Maker -     
   16/03/2013 Application received - processing commenced   Message
   16/03/2013 Application fee received   Message
  View your receipt details    
  Link to DEWR web site    
Person 1
   16/03/2013 Health requirements outstanding   Message
   16/03/2013 Bridging visa granted   Message
   03/04/2013 Further information required   Message
   16/05/2013 Information received   Message
   16/05/2013 Further information required   Message
  View Entitlement Details


5/21/2013 from 阿姨

今天請那邊的朋友幫你打 用 skype 可以的 131-881 1 4 0 專人服務  若怕聽不懂 有翻譯服務可打 131450 今天趕快打 不用怕聽不懂

剛剛打通移民局了  跟我上次給你解釋的一樣  他說TEDDY不在我旁邊沒有他親自授權給我  我不能幫他處理

 他給我這個三方通話的翻譯服務 131450  Teddy只要打這個電話跟operator說他要中文服務 他會問你 Mandarin or Cantonese?  你要說Mandarin

 不然就請他在Port Headland的朋友幫他打電話給移民局  他必須在旁邊 移民局會問他幾個人資料已確定是本人 再由他授權給這個人幫她處理即可

我試著登入移民局網站去check 他的 application status . 可能是網路維修 登不進去working holiday  visa 這個連結

 喔 對了 移民局的人有問我Teddy的胸部x光是在他們的指定醫院medibank health solutions 做的嗎 ? 我回答他說應該是 但是最後還是要teddy 本人跟他們聯絡

幾天前跟你提過一次  根據我以前做移民體檢的經驗 是給指定醫院我們的移民送件件號  做完體檢後醫院會直接把報告結果直接email給移民局  而不是掛號郵寄  這個流程有些奇怪

TEDDY現在要趕快確定 1. 是不是指定醫院   2. 報告是不是確定寄達移民局

5/21/2013 P.M.

剛剛 Teddy  打電話來 他自己打電話過去 資料收到了 現在等通知就好  Teddy 還 多謝您的幫忙

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