Love Poem about Marriage
My husband and I have been married for 29 years and have been through much, even almost divorced. The past has a way of holding us back if we let it, so this poem is about moving on and renewal, and what awaits us as we do.
Our Love Like A Diamond
© Terri Mooney
A New Day Before Us
The Old far Behind
Let us Look Forward with Newness
As we turn and Find
The hidden treasures found in True Love
Uncover, Unbury, Unwind
Discover the Mysteries of One Another
For we are each, One of a Kind!
True Love is found as a Treasure
Not on the surface as some simple stone
But by a Master hand, carved and chiseled
As a Diamond formed, not on its own
By reflection and contemplation, beauty brought out with such skill
Producing such joy and elation, our True Love only to Fulfill!
What a life we will have
As we give it our All
To fulfill only your Need
Our relation never to Fall!
A New Day Before Us
The Old far Behind
Let us Look Forward with Newness
Our Love Continually Refined
Source: Our Love Like A Diamond, Love Poem about Marriage http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/our-love-like-a-diamond#ixzz22HQUF0pf
Falling in love
Falling in love may one of the greatest feelings ever. There is an actual chemical process that happens to a person who is falling in love. All of the senses have a greater intensity. Colors seem brighter, sounds more resonant and smells more powerful when you are in love. When you are with your lover there is no greater feeling in the world, and when you're not you spend all your time thinking of each other. Falling in love is truly an awesome feeling.
Source: Falling in Love Poems - Poems about Falling in Love http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/love/falling-in-love-poems.asp#ixzz22HRHQFzN