這特別的一天天際非常的晴朗 兒子選擇這天飛到一個完全陌生遙遠的國度他下了很大的決心 想一個人去打工旅遊 阿公阿嬤拔拔都非常的不捨. 小鳥長大也會飛離家園獨立孩子長大也是讓他自由飛讓他學會獨立 適應新的環境在家裡大家的關愛與付出孩子不盡然懂得珍惜 希望自己學習飛翔後有天他會理解長輩的用心 與珍惜家人 孩子勇敢地飛 不要怕遭遇失敗或挫折 當您飛倦或遇到任何挫折 家人永遠會在背後支持您的

“Just let them fly as they wish” - Oct. 28, 2012
“Take care, Teddy, come back to Taiwan if you can’t find a job. This was the first time for Teddy to go abroad. Grandpa & grandma still worry much about Teddy. Grandma was in recovery from a car accident. She and grandpa insisted on going to the airport to see Teddy set off for Australia. He chose to be away from home and start his new life there. We wish the first step might change his life.
Early this year, Teddy told me one day, “Mom, I wanted to quit my job. I am not afraid of working hard, but I was unhappy.” I said, “Teddy, many people are jobless at this moment, you have a job now, even though only 22K. Your company is running well now; at least this company won’t go bankrupt.” Teddy worked at the production controlled dept. at a big car parts company. The heavy work load put a lot of pressure on him. He often works until midnight at the factory, so the production line could be running 24-hr nonstop. The company doesn’t pay extra for working overtime. “Mummy, you always encouraged us to study or go abroad. I want to quit my job and work in Australia.” I said to him, “my son – if you have a dream, just do your best to pursue it while you are still young. Just fly as you wish!”
As parents, we always worry about Teddy. We wished he would move back home to save money. But he seemed not appreciating it. He spent a lot of money buying the fashion smartphone. My friend said to me, “I know you are a great Mum, your son is fully grown, and with you still keeping him, it would make other people think that he is a momma's boy, you shouldn’t be worried. Maybe he wants to escape from you. He may think sometimes you are doing too much for him. Just let him follow the tide! Just let him fly as he wishes. It’s just like flying a kite; we wish it would fly as far as we can, but we are afraid it’ll fly away. The worst case would be it flew back home. Life is short, be happy and positive. Maybe, one day, your child will appreciate you being there for him when he is tired of flying.”
My son, Teddy, has been working in Australia for over 4 months. He enjoyed travelling there. He had worked at the farm, local amusement show and restaurant, made new friends, learned and explored new things every day. He also works at the meat processing plant now. He works at the beef dept. He says it’s horrible to see live bulls in and being cut to pieces. He works very hard, but he is very happy.
My Fellow members! Does the education or employment system have problems? Youngsters nowadays can’t expect any possible future working in Taiwan. A Master’s degree student couldn’t find a good job in Taiwan. Why young man would rather work in a strange country with different culture, language, weather than in our own country? They could choose to wear uniforms working in a comfortable office such as a bank or some big company, instead of choosing to live and work in a totally different country. However, it would be a life’s experience in learning how to survive in a difficult situation, able to face any kinds of challenge. You can say they are “Holidaymakers” or “Taiwanese laborers”, but they are “Adventurers”. Their experiences are more about learning and exploring life away from home than merely sweating for bucks or bulls. Next time, if your son or daughter tells you that they like to work abroad, just let them fly as they wish.