
In hot summer, what a surprise, someone knocked the door in afternoon.  I saw two young guys stood outside & one cute dog.  Cool!  That’s Terry took one mini. Dog Terry said that one student found this dog in the campus, but he couldn’t afford to raise this dog.  Terry knew we wish to raise a dog臘腸狗〈Dachshund, so he took this puppy back.  Terry is so sweet and thoughtful, but I get used to the life without dog.  I say that I don’t want to raise the dog again after Q-John pass away. We gave him the same name “Q-John”, due to we missed Q-John so much.  His eyes and shape coincide with, only the color is different.  I think it’s the Q-John comes back to our home.  

He is very smart and full with energy.  Little Q'John likes to play ball.  We took him to climb the mountain this afternoon.


酷熱的下午突然有人按門鈴 一看是兩個年輕小夥子 還有一隻短小很可愛的臘腸狗走來走去 心想 到底是誰? 門一打開 嚇了一跳 原是 Terry 突然回來 還帶來一個新的不速之客 小臘腸 他的模樣和我們兩年前養的 Q-John 竟然一模一樣 只是髮毛不同 但棕黑色的毛髮 兩顆大大的眼睛很含羞的模樣很討人喜歡 Terry 將小臘腸轉給我們後就馬上回台北 好久沒養狗狗了自由自在的生活已習慣 以後要出門可麻煩了。 




因為懷念 Q-John 我們幫他取了個相同的名字 迎接這位家庭的新成員 阿麻到寵物店買了新的狗鍊和除虱劑 


Q-John 很聰明活潑好動 很喜歡玩球 精力充沛 剛來時好像不太習慣 每天早上不到六點就叫我們起床 他不大會爬樓梯 很容易叫聲音還挺大的 

每天下午是他最快樂的時光 拔拔 麻麻每天下午帶他到彰化師大跑步 散步和玩球 回來後就軟趴趴地休息 當然晚上 拔拔還會幫他加頓點心 那是Q-John 最快樂的時間


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