
Keynote Speaker   - Apr. 21, 2012 Spring Convention


Greetings to all of the Toastmasters of District 67:


    I am very honored and excited to be joining you in District 67 at this fantastic conference as we "Take the Wheel and Lead".

    We all know the theme of Toastmasters is: Toastmasters International, Where Leaders are Made. When we choose a theme for our organization or conference, it plays an important role in bringing people and events together. As I reflect on your conference theme of, Take the Wheel and Lead, it is easy to see how this enhances and reinforces the message from Toastmasters International. Putting these two statements together, you see a very clear picture of our organization and how we work together to make a difference in the world.

    When we develop and enhance our leadership and communication skills, we are taking the wheel of our lives to steer in a direction for success. As we embark on this District 67 Spring Conference, take an opportunity to look back to where we have come from – not only as an organization or district, but especially as individuals. How many lives have we seen transformed by building communication skills? How many opportunities have we embraced with the new leadership skills we have learned along the path in Toastmasters? How many of us can say that we are at a place in our lives that we couldn’t even imagine before getting involved in Toastmasters? I know, for certain, that I am one of these people, and perhaps, you are, too.

    So, now what do we do now? Well, Take the Wheel and Lead – go out and bring more people into our organization. Help transform the lives of people you know – people you work with, your family, and your friends. Take the opportunity this weekend to meet new people and share new experiences. Show the people around you, by your actions what a positive difference true leadership can make.  Embrace the opportunities to lead and provide vision for people to follow on the path to success. Help others become better leaders and communicators so they can then do the same in their lives. We make a difference one step at a time, one moment at a time. Take the time today, take a step, and take the wheel.

    It is truly a pleasure to be with each and every one of you in exciting District 67 as we set off for new destinations. We realize that there is NO limit to what we can do together as we transform our actions for the positive good as we, Take the Wheel and Lead in all that we do to make a positive difference in our world.


    Respectfully Yours,


Tammy A. Miller

Tammy A. Miller, DTM

Past International Director


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