

Second day at Osaka, Yumi picked us at our hotel and we had a dinner party.  Yumi took us to enjoy a very famous 拉麵 ラーメン near our hotel.  We like the
拉麵 ラーメン very much, the soup is yummy and delicious.
Besides, the 拉麵 ラーメン is not expensive as at downtown. 

Yumi said the name of restaurant means "谷町九丁目" is my home.

Terry and I enjoyed the 拉 麵 ラーメンvery much.  Yumi also took us to a super market that sells many daily articles and foods.   Terry said he liked Pi-Chi very much.  Yumi was very kindness, she went back home and sent us many Pi-Chi and fried fishes.  She also brought one big sweater to Terry.  Thanks so much! Yumi, you are considerate and thoughtful.  We are so lucky to meet you at Osaka.  Terry 吃這碗是麻糬拉麵 很有特色

Terry 吃這碗是麻糬拉麵 很有特色

Yummy 好像吃素食 他吃這碗是蔬菜拉麵 湯頭很好

在這冷的天氣 Gail 點了這道  雞肉拉麵(Hansen 說看起來像火雞肉) 很有特色

Hansen  was going out and looking for us, I took Hansen to eat the 拉麵 ラーメン.  Today was friday, many people and families went out for dinner after 9 o'clock.

This was such a lovely day due to have a wonderful friend - Yumi with us.

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