今年五月又收到學校寄來的邀請函  校長換了新的校長  今年邀請王品 戴勝益董事長 蒞臨演講 引爆了話題 上次在學校演講 他說了 若賺 五萬以下不要存款 這次他修正了成三萬 提撥部分的薪資 加強自己的人緣   勉勵學子不要學 成功者的行頭 要學他們的努力

回想起去年六月初參加 Terry 的畢業典禮 在畢業的季節 多少學子心中百感交集  離開熟悉的校園 每個人要開始用自己的畫筆彩繪自己的人生!

記得 Terry 大二時有次突然來電說想要休學重考牙醫系 我的翁婿(ang-sài)  緊張一下 趕緊坐火車到南部 和 Terry 長談 請他在考慮清楚 就算再重考 也不確定能考上牙醫系 而且已經大二 就先將此學位拿到 以後想讀什麼以後再另轉跑道

Jun. 09, 2012(Sat.)

It’s the graduation season when the flame trees are blooming. We attended my son Terry’s Graduation ceremony in Jun.  Time flies very quickly, I recalled we just attended his High School Graduation Ceremony.   


The beautiful trees surround the campus. The joyous music vibrates all of the campus.  Students are with laughs and tears to say goodbye to their classmates and professors.  They will move forward to another step in their life.  Terry studied the master degree of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Taiwan He is still struggling in preparing his thesis and oral test with his professor. Terry is prepared the thesis and oral test.  He will be expected to be graduated from the University if his thesis can be approved this summer.


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