Happy Father's Day!




Wish all you have a Happy Father's Day!

爸母飼囝真辛苦。Pē-bú tshī kiánn tsin sin-khóo.


(Siang-tshiú phō hâi-jî, tsiah tsai pē-bú sî. )


父母養育小孩很辛苦 祝 全天下 辛勞的阿爸 "父親節 快樂"!




I’m Happy You’re My Dad




I feel safe when you are with me;
You show me fun things to do;
You make my life much better;
The best father I know is you.


I’m happy you’re my Dad
And so I want to say
I love you, Dad, and wish you
A Happy Father’s Day!

                             By Joanna Fuchs


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